Workplace wellbeing

Mentally healthy workplaces benefit everyone.

Workplace mental health and wellbeing is inextricable linked to our overall wellness as we spend one third of our adult lives working.
Our jobs can provide us with a sense of purpose, satisfaction, and achievement, however, the risk of developing mental health issues can increase through a range of job, operational and organisational factors.
Employers have a legal obligation to ensure the health and safety of workers, but more than just a WHS requirement, supporting mental health and wellbeing at work makes good business sense, leading to better productivity and outcomes for both individuals and organisations.

Here are the benefits of a mentally healthy workplace:

Increase engagement

Have a more productive workplace with reduced absenteeism and presenteeism.

Attract & retain employees

Get a competitive advantage by being an employer of choice.

Improve bottom-line

Save costs through reduced workers compensation claims and increased productivity.

Not taking action to address mental health is costly. Mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, are costing Australian businesses between $11 and $12 billion dollars each year through: staff being absent from work (sick days); reduced work performance and productivity (presenteeism – at work but not working well); increased staff turnover rates and associated recruitment and training costs compensation claims.

Role of employers and managers

Management capability is one of the most influential contributors to improving mental health outcomes for employees.
The most effective approach to improving workplace mental health involves interventions targeted at the individual, team, and organisational levels.
Business leaders play a key role in driving policies, strategies, and behaviours that promote positive mental health and wellbeing, with benefits extending across the whole business.
“Creating a mentally healthy workplace should no longer be considered a peripheral concern for leaders. It is something that needs to be at the core of successful, thriving organisations.”

- Professor Samuel Harvey, Chief Scientist, Black Dog Institute

How we can help

Workplace mental health programs and services

Backed by research, and delivered by experts, we offer a range of training workshops, eLearning programs and presentations to develop skills to build better mental health at work.

Find out more >

Workplace mental health toolkit

A free toolkit with information and resources to support the mental health at wellbeing of Australian workers

Download toolkit >

Expert Insights: for Workplaces

A free webinar series bringing together experts in mental health to give workplace leaders evidence-informed and real-world insights on key workplace mental health topics.

Find out more >

Mental health training is an investment in your people and your business

Get in touch to discuss how we can help you build better mental health at work