
Invite your friends, family or colleagues to join you in One Foot Forward and get moving together for mental health!

Moving for mental health is even more fun when you’re doing it with others. 

Create a team and invite your friends and family to join you this October. 

As a team you can walk in solidarity throughout Mental Health Month to show people living with mental illness that they're not alone. 

Why create a team?

Taking part in One Foot Forward as a team is a great way to stay connected.

Have fun as you work towards a common goal and reach your distance targets.

Regular exercise is great for your mental and physical health!

You can make a real difference to the 1 in 5 Australians that experience a mental illness each year.

Workplace teams

Get your workplace moving for mental health!

Is your workplace looking for a fun and safe way to stay active and connected?

One Foot Forward is the perfect way to keep your office energised, moving, and connected, while raising money for mental health research.

To learn more about workplace teams, click here.

How to create a team

There are 2 ways to create a team in One Foot Forward:

1) When you sign up for the challenge

When you sign up, you can create a team through the registation process.

2) Already signed up? No problem.

You can login and create a team from your personal dashboard.

Create team - dashboard