
Every October, people from across Australia take part in BDI’s One Foot Forward campaign – raising funds for better mental health.

In 2022, our incredible One Foot Forward community raised more than $5.7 million to help put ground-breaking new mental health treatment, education, and digital services into the hands of the people who need them the most.

Paul Rudd explains why he steps up for One Foot Forward every year:

I went through a bad patch with my mental health when I hurt my back and I needed a lot of time off to recover. I had limited mobility, so I started to lose contact with the outside world. Then I lost interest in doing anything at all. My mind just clouded all positive thoughts.

I didn’t have resources or help from anywhere, and it took me two years to rebuild myself. So when I heard about One Foot Forward I decided to take part.

I wanted to connect with other people who had been through something similar. I thought we could share stories and tips on what works – and it turned out to be a big, supportive family.

“Help is out there if you need support for your mental health.”

To anyone thinking about taking part in One Foot Forward, I say ‘Do it!’. You get to enjoy the fresh air and get your blood moving. It’s also a fun community thing. Above all, it helps raise funds and awareness that help is out there if you need support for your mental health.”

Join thousands of caring Australians like Paul this October and walk, run, or roll for the 1 in 5 Australians who experience symptoms of mental illness every year.

If you or anyone you know needs help: